SINCE 2012

TALLINN, EST: MAY 21-23, 2025

Karma Academy for founders at L59

Karma Ventures ( is an early-stage venture capital firm, specialised in late seed and A round investments in Europe’s most promising tech startups. accompanies entrepreneurs in figuring out the path to growth in all aspects – commercial, strategic and technical; backing companies with strong ideas delivered with unique technology, customer traction and global ambition.

While attending multiple events, creating and maintaining meaningful relationships, Karma has attracted phenomenal people they have worked closely with and wanted to bring some of them together this year at Latitude59 under the event series presented as the Karma Academy.


Karma Academy for Founders: Managing innovation, engineers and egos.

Aug 28, 2020, 12:30 – 13:15 GMT+3


Ahti Heinla is a founding engineer of Skype, currently a co-founder and CTO of Starship Technologies. Being one of the most highly rated founders in Estonia and having built visionary products in multiple fields, Ahti has a unique view on what type of talent is needed for thriving the innovation.






Karma Academy for Founders: Full stack product – The uneasy path

Aug 28, 2020, 13:30 – 14:15 GMT+3

Building a full-stack product requires both ambition and resilience. You need to work with multiple vendors, complex and disperse tech stack and a challenging UX. The customer shouldn’t care about any of this though but just get the value. How to make it work?

Mikko Teerenhovi is a seasoned product leader and design expert. He’s currently building a completely new form of entrepreneurship as the Chief Product Officer at Xolo. Previously Co-Founder and VP of Product & Design at Holvi, one of the first neobanks for SME’s (exit to BBVA in 2016). Mikko has an extensive background in building companies, teams and novel concepts. As a fully qualified architect (MSc) he understands both the macro and the micro level in building excellent products.



Karma Academy for Founders: Data-driven sales

Aug 28, 2020, 14:30 – 15:15 GMT+3


Jean-Baptiste (JB) Daguené is a Partner at 70ventures & Evergrowth. Since 2014, he has helped 60+ companies to build/scale specialized sales teams with 3 key roles.

At Karma Academy, JB will deliver hands-on actionable content one can start using right away with practical examples and use cases. Among the wide range of topics, he will focus on how to build successful customer-centric playbooks, create customer profiles to design outbound campaigns and deliver consistent activities at every stage of the sales funnel for the purpose of delivering predictable revenue results. 




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