SINCE 2012

TALLINN, EST: MAY 21-23, 2025

Latitude59 2020 to take place in Tallinn and online

Latitude59 is THE place to be for various networking opportunities, in-depth discussions with top international players, several pitching rounds for both startups as well as investors, and an overall chance to get together and reflect on the crazy strenuous months behind us and forge new plans for the future. 

Expect showcases that reach way beyond the venue, pitching competitions attracting interest both on- and offline, and plenty of founder stories for inspiration and guidance on how to remain resilient during those challenging times. As an added bonus, startup ticket holders can apply to a dedicated mentor programme, designed to help overcome the most critical roadblocks and find answers to all the burning questions that have accumulated during the crisis and beyond. Stay tuned for the details. 

Investors will have access to the most promising and fastest-growing startups from the region with a special spotlight also on those startups that were born out of the crisis. Together with our partners from Invest Estonia, we will once again provide all attending investors with a chance to get together, talk shop and share tips and stories, this time in the format of an investor breakfast. 

As the Estonian government announced last week that Estonia will allow public events with restricted attendance then we will be adjusting both the programme and production accordingly. Our main goal is to guarantee the health and safety of our guests so rest assured all our programme elements will be adapted following the rules and guidelines that have been put into force to help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. 

To abide with the current regulations, 600 regular on-site tickets will be released for sale, with added online tickets also available. Check out our ticket page to see what each ticket type entails. All current ticket holders will be contacted about their options. Please bear in mind that at the moment, Estonia has opened borders with Latvia and Lithuania, creating the so-called Baltic Bubble, meaning that guests from these countries can currently freely enter Estonia. We will be closely monitoring international health and travel regulations and provide you with updates. 

Stay tuned while we’re busy making all this happen. We can’t wait to welcome you at Latitude59 – be it in person in Tallinn or online.

Tickets available HERE. 

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