SINCE 2012

TALLINN, EST: MAY 21-23, 2025

How to get cloud right, so you can focus on product and growth – a guest post by DoiT


Latitude59 is proud to present DoiT International as one of our dear partners this year. Their team knows all about cloud technologies, and they’re eager to share their insight with the wider audience. If this sparks joy, add their workshop with Matan Bordo and Lewin Keller to your personal L59 schedule.

DoiT International provides intelligent technology to simplify and automate public cloud use, alongside expert consultancy and unlimited technical support for digitally savvy companies. An award-winning strategic partner of Google Cloud and AWS, DoiT operates in more than 70 countries worldwide. 

Attending Latitude59 this year, “the DoiT team looks forward to learning more about the exciting products the startup attendees are building, and exploring how we can help them overcome their cloud challenges. Cloud plays a big role in enabling startups to scale fast, but managing your infrastructure and keeping an eye on costs can sometimes shift engineering’s focus from what matters most at this stage: product and growth. Our goal is to help startups at L59 navigate through the cloud as efficiently as possible while keeping engineering’s focus on product,” says Matan Bordo, the Product Marketing Manager at DoiT International.

Matan Bordo (Product Marketing Manager, DoiT International) is one of the two speakers leading DoiT’s workshop at Latitude59. He drives awareness and adoption of DoiT’s products, which help customers understand, control, and reduce their cloud spending. His talk will focus on using technology to realize the best of both worlds: having your engineers stay focused on the product while ensuring your cloud and its associated costs are consistently in the best possible shape. Contact Matan at:

He is joined by Lewin Keller who is the managing director at DoiT International. Lewin is no stranger to the startup ecosystem. He serves as a mentor, advisor and angel investor and has previously built the Digital Native Customer Segment for Google Cloud in Germany. Today, Lewin is responsible for DoiT’s expansion in Northern Europe. His mission to disrupt the IT professional service industry helps start- and scale-ups maximize their ROI on the cloud. As a strategic partner of Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform, DoiT helps more than 1500 tech companies in over 70 countries with an innovative platform and kickass business model. Their +200 superhero cloud architects have seen almost everything when it comes to supporting a public cloud stack. Contact Lewin at:

The workshop “How to navigate the cloud on autopilot, so you can focus on your growth” is taking place at 11:00 on Friday, May 20). Make sure to register ahead of time.

The workshop will dive straight into the topic: The cloud is undoubtedly a huge enabler of growth and innovation for startups and scale-ups. However, with limited staff, time and resources it can be difficult to simultaneously sprint towards product-market fit and scale while keeping your cloud infrastructure and costs under control. But what if you could concentrate your resources and attention on the product while concurrently ensuring your infrastructure and spending are being optimized?

In this session, DoiT International, a strategic partner of Google Cloud and AWS, will share their learnings and best practices with you from their 10+ years of experience helping 1,500+ tech companies excel in the cloud on a global scale. This session is for technical and business decision-makers – as well as cloud practitioners – who want to:

  • Leverage the Baltics Google Cloud and AWS ecosystems as well as learn what startup programs exist to help you grow;
  • Optimize your current cloud architecture;
  • Unlock your savings potential while spending less time managing cloud infrastructure.

Register for the workshop.

Go and say hi to the DoiT team at the Mojito Lounge Bar at Latitude59 during both days of the conference to learn about their: multicloud technology portfolio, expert consultancy and unlimited technical support, and ISV Go-Global program for SaaS companies.

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