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Startup showcase by Mastercard Lighthouse’s FINITIV and MASSIV programs at Latitude59

Mastercard Latitude59

Mastercard Lighthouse will bring 20 startups to the stage of Latitude59 for a nordic startup showcase and the grand finale of the Lighthouse MASSIV and the FINITIV spring 2022 programs.

As a technology-first company built around a strong network of partners, Mastercard understands how important partnerships are for growth. By building Lighthouse FINITIV, Mastercard seek to put their partnership values into practice. Pairing the energy and innovation of fintechs with the stability and distribution at large corporates, they aim to strengthen the entire ecosystem, increasing the size of the industry we all share. Lighthouse MASSIV enacts Lighthouse’s vision of making and scaling social impact.

“It’s great to see Mastercard Lighthouse bringing such a diverse selection of impactful startups from the Nordics to Latitude59. I’m sure their presence will offer excitement to the investors and funds, scouting for new additions to their portfolios. Also, this year, Latitude59 is proud to host the grand finals of Mastercard’s programs on our stage, I’m sure that collaborations like this will only make our ecosystem stronger,” says Liisi Org, the CEO of Latitude59, welcoming Mastercard’s team and startups to this year’s conference.

Meet Mastercard Lighthouse at L59

This year, Mastercard is bringing to Estonia 14 FINITIV companies and 6 MASSIV companies to Latitude 59 for a final pitching, and announcement of this year’s winners for both patches. The audience has a chance to meet all of them in the Mastercard booth at L59 Demo Area: Vourity, Lendwill, Stack, Verified Payments, Beleco, TotalCtrl, Kernolab, Tipit, PIXEVIA, SME Finance, Zeipt, Eliq, Wakandi, BAIA, Fellow Pay, Vayapay,, GROO, Paiblock and SomeBuddy.

On May 19 at 14:05, the Mastercard Lighthouse startups will take over L59’s Terrace Hall for a 3-hour showcase. The audience can hear all 20 startups pitch on the stage, live. The 6 finalists will be selected that day. During the Startup Showcase, Mastercard will also host a panel with their program’s banking partners on the topic of “Key success factors for startups to know when engaging with banks”. 

On May 20 at 10:05, Mastercard Lighthouse will introduce their programs and impact on the Founder Stage for the entire L59 audience. The finalists will pitch on the big stage and the winners of the programs will be revealed and awarded. In addition, Susanne Hannestad, the CEO of Fintech Mundi and an Independent Advisor to the Mastercard Lighthouse #FINITIV and #MASSIV program will present the Nordic Fintech Report.

The audience has a chance to speak with all the presenting startups from the Mastercard Lighthouse’s programs at the Mastercard booth in L59 Demo Area. Come say hi!

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