SINCE 2012

NAIROBI: NOV 28, 2024

TALLINN: MAY 21-23, 2025

The Biggest Latitude59, ever

This year, Latitude59 had a truly global scope with 2800 guests from 58 countries. Our main program presented 167 speakers, plus over 30 official side events. Over 400 investors and over 800 startup representatives were present, and they arranged precisely 2647 investor-meetings. Just imagine the potential impact for the local ecosystem, as well as the world!

The 10-year anniversary edition really shone bright on the INCLUSION front and we hope all the participants found a boost of PURPOSE as they walked back to rocking their startups and building the ecosystem. 

Each and every person, company and organization involved had a part in shaping this year’s conference. The warmest spot in our hearts and minds belong to our dear partners and sponsors who had our backs every step of the way, and truly allowed us to dream BIG. They work hard to help our startups and founders push higher, and we couldn’t be more grateful: 

Accelerate Estonia, Amazing Productions, Amazon Web Services, Beamline Accelerator, Binance, Bisly, Certific, Change VC,, Cloudvisor, Coinspaid, Deel, DoiT International, Dynatrace, E-residency, Elamusstuudio, Elmo Rent, Embassy of the Netherlands, Enterprise Estonia, Estonian Health Economy Association, Fermi Energia, Forgreenerlife, Forus Taxi, Fukuoka City (Japan), Glia, Google, Hedman Partners, Hektor Container Hotel, Httpool, Inventure VC, Kobe City (Japan), Karma VC, LHV, Mastercard Lighthouse, Microsoft, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication, NAVA, NetGroup, OCCO, Vita Pictura, Endover, Veriff, Practica Capital, Prototron, Respiray, Revolgy, RGB, Scaleway, Shibuyia City (Japan), Silen, SmartCap, Specialist VC, Startup Estonia, Startup Wise Guys, SwissBorg, Tallinn City, TalTech, Tehnopol Startup Incubator, Tera VC, Trind VC, Verge HealthTech Fund, Wise, and Workland.

The next Latitude59 is just around the corner – on May 25-26, 2023 (ticket sales for early-early birdies is already open!). Until then, scale up, keep on winning, and enjoy our photo gallery and the aftermovie from L59 2022!

See you around!
L59 Team

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