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Know your why & make an impression at Latitude59 – a guest post by PRNEWS.IO

With Latitude59 2024 just around the corner, our partner PRNEWS.IO has put together their best tips to help us all take the most out of the conference experience. The insights are based on our own experience attending Latitude59 for the last three years, and other events around the world, such as Money20/20 Asia and Europe, IFX Expo and BrightonSEO. Learn from the best in PR and make sure to leave a lasting impression, and forge valuable connections as you step into the room with 3000+ impact-makers from the global tech and startup scene.


Do’s and Don’ts for Conference Success

Before the Conference

1. Plan your Conference Budget: Allocate resources effectively

Creating a detailed budget is crucial for effective conference planning. Consider registration fees, booth or exhibition costs, travel expenses, accommodation, marketing collateral and additional promotional activities. Allocating a budget ensures you have the necessary resources to make the most of the event.

Don’t overspend: While it’s important to invest in your presence at the conference, it’s equally important to stick to your budget. Drawing from our own previous experiences, we’ve learned valuable lessons about the importance of financial prudence. During Latitude59 2023, our team utilized a creative strategy to make the most out of our budget. We introduced a captivating activity that involved spinning a reasonably priced roulette wheel. As prizes, we offered sustainable swag items adorned with our brand, such as t-shirts and tote bags. This approach allowed us to strike a balance between maximizing our resources and creating an engaging, environmentally-friendly experience for attendees.

2. Set Clear Objectives: Define your goals before the conference

Define your goals before diving into the conference experience. Clarify whether you aim to gain exposure, secure funding, find potential partners, or simply expand your network. This clarity will help you prioritize your time and efforts accordingly.

Don’t aimlessly Wander: Attending a conference without a clear purpose may lead to missed opportunities. Let us share a personal story from our experience at brightonSEO. We had set a clear objective of establishing partnerships with SEO agencies, SEO tool makers and experts. By focusing on our goal and actively seeking out relevant individuals and organizations, we were able to form meaningful connections that led to fruitful collaborations.

3. Develop a Preparation Timeline: Stay organized and avoid last-minute stress

Creating a timeline outlining all the necessary tasks leading up to the event is essential. Include deadlines for registration, booth setup, marketing campaigns and travel arrangements. Allocating responsibilities to team members ensures smoother coordination and execution.

Don’t procrastinate: Procrastination can lead to unnecessary stress and a rushed preparation process. In our first event of 2023, at IFX Expo, we faced limited accommodation options and higher costs due to delayed bookings. Start early, adhere to the timeline and avoid unnecessary last-minute hassles.

Once at the Conference

4. Research and Engage: Identify key attendees and initiate conversations

Thoroughly research the conference agenda, keynote speakers and attendees. Identify individuals or organizations aligned with your interests and reach out to them prior to the event. Engage in meaningful conversations, discuss shared challenges and explore potential collaborations.

Don’t Stick to Familiar Faces: Stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to serendipitous encounters. At Latitude59 2023, an app was available for the conference, which provided general information, the event schedule and a chat for attendees to interact with each other and arrange meetings or face-to-face chats. We always try to make the most of these opportunities and the tools provided, and these interactions have already led to unexpected partnership opportunities that significantly boosted our business. So, don’t hesitate to break the ice. Challenge yourself by initiating conversations with strangers and exploring the unknown.

5. Train Your Team: Equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge

Educate your staff members attending the event about your objectives, key messages, products/services and target audience. Train them on effective networking, lead generation and customer engagement techniques. In addition to your on-site team, you can also have a “Guy in the chair” team based in the company office to assist with updating important information, receiving pictures from the event, managing social media channels and providing general support. 

Don’t overlook preparation: Continuous preparation is the key to making a strong impression. During our experience at Latitude59 last year, we realized how important it was to equip our team with in-depth knowledge about our offerings and opportunities available on the spot. This allowed them to confidently engage with potential clients and effectively convey our value proposition.

6. Make a difference in the booth hall

Making a good impression can be the key to generating leads and finding potential partners. So, once your booth is ready and the events begin, we suggest your team follow these good practices: be proactive, smile, make eye contact, and avoid staring at your phone. In general, people who attend conferences want to connect and network, but sometimes they may be too shy to approach your booth, so take the lead and be the inviting person. Furthermore, it’s crucial to prioritize the cleanliness of your booth since image plays a vital role.

Don’t forget: You are also a human: Wear comfortable clothes and shoes, stay hydrated, eat from time to time, and sit whenever possible. Take a walk to stretch your legs, and while doing so, don’t miss the opportunity to visit other booths, do some networking, and show that you are also interested in what they have to offer. 

7. Craft an Authentic Elevator Pitch: Leave a lasting impression

If you have the opportunity to present or speak at a conference, craft an elevator pitch that highlights your business’s unique value proposition. Be concise, compelling and genuine in your delivery. Aim to leave a lasting impression that sparks curiosity and invites further conversation.

Don’t oversell or overwhelm: While it’s tempting to share every aspect of your business, it’s crucial to strike a balance. At some of the events we participated in, we witnessed numerous presentations that overwhelmed the audience with excessive information. Instead, focus on building a connection by understanding your audience’s needs and tailoring your pitch accordingly.

8. Embrace Interactive Storytelling: Engage with personal narratives

Leverage personal anecdotes, relatable experiences and compelling narratives to make your brand’s journey come alive. Engage listeners emotionally and create a memorable experience that resonates with their own entrepreneurial aspirations.

Don’t Rely Solely on Presentations: Although presentations are undoubtedly valuable, it’s important to expand our approach. Based on our experiences at various conferences, we’ve discovered the power of sharing our personal stories as entrepreneurs, including the challenges and triumphs we’ve encountered along the way. By embracing this approach, we establish a profound connection with others who have walked similar paths or are currently navigating similar situations. Moreover, our stories serve as a source of inspiration for budding brands and startups. This collaborative environment not only fosters deeper connections but also sparks thought-provoking discussions that delve into the core of our shared entrepreneurial journeys.

9. Promote your Participation: Utilize digital PR and social media

Leverage your online presence by announcing your participation in the event through a press release and digital PR. Tools like PRNEWS.IO can help you choose the best media outlets that convey your message, with filters based on various criteria, including country, region, language, category, price range and traffic. This level of customization ensures that your PR efforts are targeted to the right audience, maximizing the impact of your announcements. Effective digital PR not only spreads the word about your involvement but also positions your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

In addition, leverage the power of social media to amplify your presence and engage with both conference attendees and those unable to attend. Utilize event hashtags, share real-time updates, create buzz to attract attendees to your booth or session and actively participate in online discussions. This extends your reach and increases the likelihood of meaningful connections.

Don’t Neglect Face-to-Face Interactions: While online engagement is important, nothing beats the value of genuine personal connections. At Money20/20 Europe, we made a point to have conversations beyond the digital realm. We utilized networking breaks, social events and informal meetups to build deeper relationships with our peers. Remember, real connections are often forged through shared experiences and personal interactions.

After the Conference

10. Follow Up Strategically: Nurture connections and explore collaborations

After the conference, follow up with the contacts you made promptly and thoughtfully. Personalize your messages, reminding them of the discussions you had and expressing a genuine interest in continuing the conversation. Be proactive in nurturing these connections and exploring potential collaborations.

Don’t Miss Out on Valuable Opportunities: Conferences offer ample chances to connect with a diverse range of individuals, including entrepreneurs, salespeople, media representatives, investors and experts. It’s important not to let those conversations be forgotten. Exchange business cards and connect on LinkedIn to make the most of these connections. Promptly follow up to ensure you don’t miss out on valuable opportunities. At PRNEWS.IO, we distribute the workload among our team, assigning specific leads to each team member to ensure a consistent approach and sustained engagement.

Bonus track: A helpful list of materials you can’t forget to bring to your booth

  • Plastic bags: They can be used to pick up any trash and keep your booth area clean and organized;
  • Silver tape: It is a versatile tool that can be a lifesaver in unexpected situations. It can be used to fix any last-minute booth setup issues and secure loose cables for example;
  • Superglue: In case any parts of your booth or displays get damaged or come apart, superglue can help you repair them on the spot;
  • Scissors: Scissors are essential for various purposes, including cutting and adjusting promotional materials, trimming signage, or opening packaging;
  • A sticky roller: A useful tool for keeping your booth area clean and presentable. It helps remove any dust, lint, or small rubbish that may accumulate on your displays, tables, floor, or promotional materials;
  • Paper napkins: Napkins are invaluable for handling unexpected spills or stains and ensure that you can quickly address any accidents;
  • Extension cords: They are essential for ensuring that you have enough power outlets to accommodate all your electronic devices and equipment. Make sure to choose extension cords with adequate length and safety features;
  • Power bank: It can be a lifesaver when you need to charge your devices on the go. It ensures that you have a backup power source for your smartphones, tablets, or other devices, especially when access to power outlets may be limited or unavailable.

Conclusion: Embrace the power of conferences for growth and collaboration

As entrepreneurs who have frequently attended conferences, seminars and web summits, we strongly believe in the power of these events. They offer a dynamic platform to learn, grow and collaborate with like-minded individuals. Always keep in mind that the real value of these conferences lies in the connections that you make with other people and the countless possibilities that can emerge from those connections. It’s essential to embrace the opportunity to share your unique story, engage with others and build a robust network of support that will fuel your entrepreneurial journey.

To meet the PRNEWS.IO team, sign up the their side event – Media Meet-Up: Helping journalists find diamonds for their stories, happening on May 23 at 17:00 at the office of PRNEWS.IO – or simply step into their booth at Latitude59 2024 to say hi!

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