SINCE 2012

NAIROBI: NOV 28, 2024

TALLINN: MAY 21-23, 2025

India Business Seminar at Latitude59

In 2024, Latitude59 gathered around 20 delegations from various countries across the world, including a delegation from India with its lineup of startups showcasing their innovations in health technologies, SaaS solutions, and dual-use enterprises in the demo area. Following their presence at the demo booths, a networking session and the Indian Delegation business seminar took place to foster discussions and facilitate networking between two regions.

The startups that were represented in the demo area included:

  • NeoDocs: Specializing in digital health solutions, NeoDocs offers AI-driven health diagnostics to empower users with instant health insights.
  • YourGold: A unique platform for gold investments, YourGold provides secure and accessible ways for individuals to invest in and manage their gold assets.
  • Xaults: Xaults’ CBDC & Digital Asset Platform assumes the role of a steadfast ally, relieving users of the intricate burdens associated with adopting CBDCs and other regulated, real-world tokenized assets.
  • Deep Holistic: This startup integrates AI with holistic health practices, offering personalized wellness solutions that combine traditional and modern healthcare approaches.

The seminar featured startup pitches on stage, with the following startups presenting:

  • NeoDocs: Specializing in digital health solutions, NeoDocs offers AI-driven health diagnostics to empower users with instant health insights.
  • An AI-powered music composition tool that creates personalized soundtracks for various applications.
  • Dharaksha: An environmental tech startup focusing on sustainable packaging solutions using natural fibers.
  • MirrAR: Augmented reality solutions for enhancing the shopping experience, allowing users to virtually try on products.
  • Rukam Capital: The Founder and Managing Partner of Rukam Capital provided an insightful overview and introduction to the Indian market, discussing opportunities for Estonian-Indian business collaboration.

This event was a collaborative effort organized by Latitude59, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia/Estonian Embassy in Delhi, and Team Estonia. The seminar was proudly funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, underscoring the support for fostering global business connections and innovation.

The Indian delegation’s presence at Latitude59 not only showcased the dynamic and diverse nature of India’s startup ecosystem but also reinforced the importance of international cooperation in driving technological and economic advancements.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from Latitude59, where innovation meets collaboration on a global stage.

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